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  1. We are happy to announce that ITI's Dynamic website was launched
NEEDS for Departmental Stores - Feature List

Masters ( Create / modify /delete )

Automatic creation of 

·         Customer A/c with photo option

·         Vendor A/c with photo option

·         Employees A/c with photo option

·         General ledger A/c

·         Group codes

·         Inventory items with photo & Bar codes assigning option

·         Stock Accounts

·         Tax codes  ( Setting up tax types, VAT details )

·         Creating register codes (creating Sale , purchase, Sales return, purchase return, Bank, cash type codes for automatic updation of related accounts when a transaction is made. For ex. A sale type register code may update sales A/c, Tax account, Packing forwarding account, Postage account etc., when sale is made )




·         Purchase ( Cash / Credit )  with Barcode

·         Purchase return

·         Sales ( Cash / Credit ) (with option to include, multiple tax type items in one bill and barcode)

·         Sales return

·         Receipt ( for making entries on cash /bank receipt with option to maintain sbillwise  details, and interest / discount calculation and allocation)

·         Payment ( for making entries on cash /bank payment with option to maintain billwise  details, and interest / discount calculation and allocation)

·         Easy maintenance of  cheques in transit ( cheque reconciliation ), Cheque return entry and option to debit the bank charges to the customer / bank charges a/c on cheque return / realization.

·         Debit Notes

·         Credit Notes

·         Journal entries


·         Action items (set up company alerts so that you can track the events that are most important to your business)

o   Customers

§  Over credit limit

§  Sales current month

§  Sales as on today

§  Pending bills with age  and so on.

o   Vendors

§  Purchase current month

§  Purchase as on today

§  Pending bills with age  and so on.

o   Inventory items

§  Quantity and weight on hand below minimum stock

§  Quantity and weight on hand above maximum stock

§  Sales current month

§  Sales as on today

§  Quantity sold / purchase current period

§  Quantity sold / purchase as on today

o   Chart of accounts

§  Balance current period

§  Balance year to date

§  Budget current period

§  Budget year to date

·         TO DO List with option to recur

o   Daily  

o   Weekly

o   Every two week

o   Monthly

o   Quarterly

o   Twice a year

o   Annually

·         Events

o   Customer bills due

o   Customer orders due

o   Approval items

o   Payment

o   Receipt

o   Vendor bills due        

·         Opening balance sheet entry ( for Easy entry of  all opening balance in a single screen )

·         Interest calculation and posting ( Includes interest on overdue bills and loans given to parties etc.,)





·         Receipt voucher / advice

·         Payment voucher / advice

·         Debit note

·         Credit note

·         Journal register


·         Day books

o   Sales register with tax collected details

o   Purchase register

o   Sales return register with tax details

o   Purchase return register

o   Day wise transaction report ( include Sales,  purchase, cash, bank and other transactions )

o   VAT reports

·         Other Lists

o   Credit and cash transaction list.

o   Collection Patti ( a list of metal and cash balances of all of the accounts customer, vendor etc., )

o   Creditor / Debtor balance list with oldest pending bill No. and first transaction due date

o   Customer list

o   Vendor list

o   Employee list

o   General A/c list

·         Ledgers

·         Town wise pending bills

·         Age wise pending bills

·         Bill wise allocation details

·         Unallocated amount details

·         Items master list

·         Inventory unit activity report

·         Final statement

o   Trial balance

o   Trading Account

o   Profit and loss account

o   Balance sheet


View options


·         Displaying of amount in words when amount is entered in the entry boxes

·         Displaying of Weight in words when weight is entered in the entry boxes

·         Current balance form ( displays the balances of the A/c’s and  Inventory items when selected for transaction)

·       Smart guide (Smart Guides display at fields and windows to give you an extra level of help)


Other Options


·         Auto Print Option

o   Setting Automatic printing of Invoice, receipts and other transaction vouchers when transaction is made.

·         Interest calculation

o   Various options for interest calculations can be set

§  360 / 365 days per year on receipts

§  360 / 365 days per year on payment

§  Rounding up / down interest amount on receipt

§  Rounding up / down interest amount on payment

§  Including both the receipt and payment dates

o   Compound interest calculation and posting